We are extremely proud to be in our new building in Can Bellotera but more so to finally reveal our first Syd & Rex Concept Shop.
With the major clubs opening their doors this weekend we are all set for the summer influx of tourists from around the world.
Our full range of Syd & Rex products are on display and we look forward to welcoming you to our new Ibiza store.
Open daily from 10am–1pm and 4pm-7pm we are located at Carrertera San Josep KM1,7 (Can Bellotera Rotunda – The last round-a-bout as you leave town heading towards San Jose).
Look for the big Chiringuito (Beach Shack) on the Round-A-Bout!.
New Pop-Up Shop
“White-Ibiza : Best of Ibiza” Award for Syd & Rex.